Day 2 (Sunday, July 9)

Written By: Paul

Today was a good day. We woke up at 6 AM which wasn't that bad since it seemed to us like 9 AM. We ate a quick breakfast and then Wayne and I dropped off Adam and Dad a little ways down the road to start their biking adventure. The first thing they biked was this really cool long bridge that led into the city of Astoria. Wayne and I drove across the bridge by car and ate a real breakfast at Pig'n Pancake. I thought the place was pretty good but Wayne wasn't too happy.

After breakfast, Wayne and I drove through the city of Astoria. It was a neat little town that sat on a steep mountain side so all the roads were very hilly like San Francisco or Pittsburgh. We drove up this one hill and I swear the car felt like it was going to tip over since we were going up almost an 80 degree angle!

We met up with Adam and Dad at Fort Clatsop, one of the places Lewis and Clark stayed at on their infamous expedition. We watched a good little film on the expedition and went down to see a replica of the fort they stayed in.

After that Adam and Dad took off again by bike and Wayne and I had some time to kill. We were going to meet up with the bikers later for lunch so we just drove near the lunch spot and checked out the beach. The beaches here on the west coast are so incredible. The mountains come right up to the ocean in several spots.

We met up with Dad and Adam and had lunch at a local place. Adam and Dad ordered "The Wow Burger" and wow was it weird! It had several unusual toppings.

After lunch Wayne and I went to Cannon Beach which was just awesome. The beach was so wide and flat, and there was this huge rock a few hundred feet off shore that was breath taking (see pictures below). Another interesting thing about this beach was the little crab-like sea creatures that were all over the place. The biggest ones were only about 4 inches long, but there were still kinda creepy. When the tide would come in, they would get uncovered from the sand and then as the tide went back down they would all re-bury themselves under the sand. Wayne and I captured one for a photo (see below).

The coast line is just beautiful out here. Just driving along the coast after Cannon Beach was fun because of the incredible views. We past by Adam and Dad a little while later after Cannon Beach and stopped to say hello.

Wayne and I checked into the hotel after getting some ice cream and relaxed. Taking that much needed shower was sooo nice! That shower was heaven-sent (queue Paul making that heaven-sent sound in falsetto....Aaaaaaaaa).

Adam and I enjoyed the hot tub and then it quickly became bedtime. I stayed up a little later to put these pages together. Tomorrow Wayne and I will be playing a par 3 golf course...


Early morning breakfast (Adam looks sorta out of it)

Dad and our cool new tent

We got a quick game of hacky sac in before we took off

Adam and Dad start thier biking adventure

Wayne in front of our breakfast stop

A look down into Astoria from the top

The first beach we visited that day

Cannon Beach and that cool rock

More Cannon Beach

More Cannon Beach

More Cannon Beach

The sea creatures at Cannon Beach

Look how big the beach is!

One of the many cool views off the road down the coast