Bike America Tours
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Bike America Tours
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Bike America Tours
1996 Journal Archives

Bike America Tours '96 completed its 3500 mile, 50 day trek on June 30th when we arrived at the capitol steps in Washington DC at 2:00 in the afternoon. This is a consolidation of the "Daily Journals" that were kept during the Bike America '96 Tour.
Spacer Dot The directory of all the journals is shown. You can start with the first date of the tour May 12, 1996, or scroll down the list to choose any one of the 50 days of the tour.

Bike America '96 Verterans
Bike America '96 Veterans

We received literally hundreds of e-mails from people around the world as we were biking across the country. Most were pats on the back encouraging us, reminding us that people were "watching" and riding vicariously through the daily journals.
Bike America Tours is already putting plans together for the '97 tour. The route will basically be the same as '96, leaving from Everett, Washington on May 11th and finishing in Washington DC, 50 days later. We learned a couple things this trip that will make this year's even more exciting.
We missed several events by ONE DAY! Now that we know what the time schedule is on the Volksmarch at Crazy Horse and the Rodeo Schedule is in Wyoming, we can include those as part of the trip.
Some of the new side roads we discovered will be a permanent part of the tour. Check out the journal that goes from Ucross to Spotted Horse. It was voted the best ride of the trip.
If you would like a short overview of the tour, go to the "Best of..." page. This will give you the links to the places and people that we thought were the heart of the trip. The complete listing of all the journals and photos is shown as a directory structure... choose your days, choose your photos. It's up to you.

So...that's it. I hope you enjoy the journals. I will be updating the site with color photos as they come in from the various riders. If you would like me to e-mail you as I add pictures to the site, please drop me a note.

Mark Miller
Keeper of the Journals
Bike America '96

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