The Staff of Bike America Tours "Bike America Tours" is family owned and operated. The tour's headquarters are based in Billings, Montana. The Company was started with a simple concept: long distance bicycle touring should be financially feasible for everyone. It isn't our intent to sponsor tours that stop at AAA rated motels with 5 star dining. We provide security for the intermediate rider who wants to try touring without the fear of going unsupported on their first long distance venture. Billings, Montana Tour Directors During the summer of 1992, Dave and Bernie bicycled across the USA self-contained. They left Neah Bay, Washington and 72 days later reached the Atlantic Ocean and Rheobeth Beach, Delaware. By then David was hooked on long distance bicycle touring. He began planning another cross-country tour, only this time he would lead a small group and have "sag" support. After convincing Bernie and his mom and dad to be the support crew, he resigned as the Athletic Director for the City of Yakima, Washington and began marketing and advertising Bike America Tours. On June 18 of '95, the tour became a reality when six bicyclists and two support vehicles left the west coast of Washington on a 12 state, 62 day, 3,500 mile tour. After the tour, the Blairs relocated to Billings, Montana and began preparing for Bike America '96. The new tour was shortened to 50 days and divided it into seven, one-week sections, giving more people the opportunity to participate in any or all of the trek. Ashland, Oregon Sag Support I currently live in Ashland, Oregon. I find it interesting that I was born in Ashland County, Ohio, 64 years ago in my great-grandmother's house. In fact, Ashland, Oregon, was named by a pioneer from Ashland, Ohio. So I feel as though I have come full circle. I'm a graduate of The University of Akron and Kent State University. My background is in journalism and librarianship---not a career, just a series of jobs fitted in between family activities. I spent most of my life as a Buckeye in Ohio before moving west eight years ago, first to Montana and then Oregon. I love the Pacific Northwest and feel very lucky to have come out to this beautiful country. It has everything--mountains, rain forest, desert, ocean, lakes and rivers. I hope to spend many more happy years in the PN but, at the moment, I am thrilled to be part of Bike America Tours. Colville, Washington Sag Crew I'm the father of David, Bike America Tours organizer,and a very proud father. This is my second Bike America venture as part of Dave's support staff and I am thoroughly enjoying "working" for my number three son. I have the time to cross America with the cyclists as one of the benefits of retirement. Joann, my wife and the cook on Bike America '96, and I came out West in 1988 after I retired from the active practice of law in Akron, Ohio. That followed my retirement as an administrator at The University of Akron and the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Having been born and raised in New York City, I find the grand spaces and character of the populace in the West both fascinating and desirable. We should have moved earlier! Bike America Tours |